Second Python Exercises
Your second python exercises
Basic Methods
Multiply (Easy)
Write a method that you can multiple two numbers (x,y). Test with the following examples:
- 4, 2
- 0, 4
- 900, 32
- 29999, 0
def multiply(x, y):
return(x * y)
print(multiply(4, 2))
print(multiply(0, 4))
print(multiply(900, 32))
Divide (Easy, with a special case)
Write a method that you can divide two numbers (x,y). If the denominator is zero, set it to the numerator (so that the method returns one). Test with the following examples:
- 4, 2
- 0, 4
- 900, 32
def divide(x, y):
if(y == 0):
y = x
return(x / y)
print(divide(4, 2))
print(divide(0, 4))
print(divide(900, 32))
Print Name
Write a method that takes a parameter (name) and greets that user.
def greet(name):
return("Hello %s, you rock!" % name)
Smallest Number
Write a method that evaluates two numbers and returns the smallest. If the numbers are the same, it should return a message stating so.
def smallest_number(x, y):
smallest = x
if x == y:
smallest = "They are the same."
elif y < x:
smallest = y
elif x < y:
smallest = x
String Reverse
Write a method that accepts a string and returns the characters in reverses order.
Hint: Look at the Python documentation.
def reverse(string):
test_string = "Praxis Program"
While Loop
Write a method that uses a while
loop to count from 1 to 1000 and print the
number of the current iteration to the screen. (That is, the first time
through, the loop should print “1”; “2” the next time through; and so forth.)
def count(limit):
counter = 0
while counter <= limit:
counter += 1
“Until” Loop
As we talked about in class, there is no “until” loop in Python. However, While loops can provide similar results. Write a method that uses an while
loop to print each number from 0 to 5.
def count(limit):
counter = 0
while counter <= limit:
counter += 1
For Loop
Write a method that uses a for
loop to print each number from 1 to 10.
def count(limit):
counter = 0
for i in range(limit + 1)
counter += 1
Write a simple class that defines a person with attributes of
, last_name
and has a method signature of to_s
prints the object as “Jefferson, Thomas”.
class Person:
def __init__(self, fname, lname):
self.first_name = fname
self.last_name = lname
def to_s(self):
print(self.last_name + ", " + self.first_name)
tj = Person("Thomas", "Jefferson")
Can’t Get Enough?
Can’t get enough? Work through the Learn Python the Hard Way exercises and/or implement the last programming exercises as Objects.